Vi Unge
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➡ ♥♥♥ Link: Rødt hjerte snapchat
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En baby, et timeglass, gult hjerte, rødt hjerte, og hva betyr egentlig smilefjeset med solbriller? Et rødt hjerte betyr at du har vært 1 bestevenn med noen i to uker i strekk. Det svarer på mange måder til, at vi har vænnet os til at bo i Tivoli, men når vi bevæger os udenfor Tivoli, er der tomt, for hvor er alle lydene og lysene og alt det, der føles sjovt og rart?
Snapchats emojis Efter den seneste opdatering den 15. Bendtner fortsætter sin vej ud af lufthavnen med frk. Tallet står for, hvor mange dage i har snappet i træk. Det er dog blot symbolet på fart.
Vi Unge - This means that we sent the most snapchats to each other right? Flammer: Dere sender hverandre snapper fram og tilbake flere dager i strekk.
Over the last several days many visitors have asked me about the difference in the red heart and yellow heart on Snapchat. In the original release of we learned that a yellow heart was your 1 best friend. It may be the case that this means your Snapchat Best Friend is actively using Snapchat, but I cannot confirm this yet. I will do some testing over the next few days and figure out what is going on with this red heart. Here is what it looks like: If you have any guesses about what this red heart means please feel free to leave a comment below. Someone out there has to know what this new red heart means. This means that we sent the most snapchats to each other right? Could you please also tell me how this happened. The other day my two pink love hearts emoji disappeared and my best friend now has a red love heart emoji with her other friend. Is this a glitch as how is this possible when for the past two weeks we have continued to have two pink love hearts emoji?